Saturday, November 13, 2010

The year-end holidays are upon us again...

The Year Has Come Full Circle...

And changes not only in the seasons, but also in our lives will force us to make changes in our activities and our pursuits...

I have made some decisions that will give me back more time to pursue my writing, but making those decisions will leave others that I have been helping in a bit of a bind.  It was not easy to make those decisions, because I loved volunteering my time and efforts to make things better for others.

Perhaps after the holidays my life will return to normal, I will be in control of my writing career once more, and I will be able to get back to doing more again.

So I am kissing some of my good pals goodbye, and am striking out on my own to better manage my resources.  Perhaps we will manage to get back in sync once the stresses of the holidays are behind us.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...and I will post again soon with some contests to lighten the mood.

Hugs, and all my love.
