Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Apocalypse...and winter solstice...

I was thinking that maybe I would stay in bed today...

But I figured if the world was going to end, I might as well try to get my house cleaned up a know...just in case I had visitors drop by.  Then I realized that Christmas was only a little over three days away, and I wrapped more of the little gifts I had for kids and friends.

Here it is...13 minutes past time for the apocalypse...and I am still alive, as is much of the rest of humanity. I am relieved that I get to enjoy another Christmas, and see my friends for another few years.  And I pray that the word "apocalypse" holds true to its meaning...

The word in Greek means that we are entering a time of greater knowledge that was hidden from us by those who wished to dominate humanity through falsehood and deceit.  It is a lifting of the veil that hides enlightenment...and we will now see things clearly in the light of truth.  The gospels of John stated that the apocalypse would  mean the ultimate victory of Good over Evil...the end of the present age and the entry into an enlightened age where we would see the wonders of God and understand that we have a higher purpose.

I certainly hope so...because I was getting pretty tired of having to deal with lies and hate and ugliness.  So I will make this Christmas and the new year coming something special...opening my heart and mind and doing all I can to help others do so, as well.

I look forward to a longer bit of daylight tomorrow...and a clearer sky with more stars....

Happy Solstice...

Hugs and much lo ve...

Fran Lee

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