Saturday, October 5, 2013

Winter is definitely on its way...

Snow is coming down in the mountains, and the fall colors are taking over the valley...
I love this time of year...even though I don't like freezing cold, the change from the scalding temps of late summer is always welcome...except when it jumps from 95 degrees to 39 degrees in one week. BRRRRR.

I really love being in a place that gets the full season changes every year.  Halloween is coming new book will be released this month...and the snap in the air is wonderful.  Did I mention that I went out and bought two new coats last week?

Now, if you live in Florida or southern California or Arizona or Las Vegas, the changing seasons are not quite as obvious.  How do you deal with Christmas without snow? Autumn without falling leaves? Or spring with temps in the 90's?

I guess it's all a matter of personal preferences.



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