Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm officially a Cougar...LOL!

Nope...I haven't seduced a hot younger man like the 50+ year old hottie to your left...

But I have gotten contracted for my Cougar Challenge Series novella over at Ellora's Cave!

Mine will be titled "Nothing But Sex".

Now...I know that a "cougar" is a woman in her 40's who is hot for a guy at least 10 years younger...but I'm w-a-a-a-y over 40...and the guy that rings my bells is w-a-a-a-y more than 10 years my junior (run Bobby K! Run like the wind!) so what does that make me? Never mind...I don't want to know.
I dare say that makes me a dirty old lady! Or worse...a genuine bonafide cradle-robber! Yum!

Any suggestions?



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Cougar series...wonderful for you! We are not old. We are as young as we see ourselves. Younger men just need to be taught to keep up with us...and our experience!
    Love the "older guy" pic...when is he available for closeups?

  3. I'm still calling you a cougar! Congrats on the wonderful news.

  4. YAY, Fran. You make a ROCKIN cougar. Love that 'older guy' you featured...yumm.

  5. He started modeling when he was in his late 40's. All I can say is OH MY GOD!!!

  6. Congratulations, lady! And YUM--Is that Se..? (don't know if I can say his name or not?) but he'd make a great EC model--I'd still be a cougar to his age! That doesn't make us dirty *grins* it makes us GOOD!

  7. Fran, he is HOT! Congratulations on the cougar contract! I love writing cougar stories. And Bobby K is 42, in case you were wondering. I'm pretty sure you can chase him down :).

  8. I know he just turned 42...but I still have 23 years on him! Plus he has a lady who will likely scratch my eyes out and stomp me with her five inch stilettos! LOL!~

  9. Congrats Fran! Oh is that man FINE. LOL. It makes me crave whip cream and melted chocolate... for some reason. LOL!!! BAD, BAD, BAD! I know. LOL. I can't wait to read 'Nothing but Sex'!!! LOL.

  10. I used to dig older men, but now that I'm 50, I'm liking the younger ones. Well, just to look at since I'm married. But I've joined the cougar romance story bandwagon.

  11. This guy is memorable.
    Your Cougar story will be too, I just KNOW.
    Congrats, babe, on the contract!!!!


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