Friday, June 29, 2012

Just found another book on the coming soon page!

Come, My Love
will be out early in August...

 I will not be starting a new release giveaway on this one until after My Sexy Sensei is released.  As a Quickie (R) this one is very low-priced, and even better the second time around! LOL!  For now, just enter my pre-release giveaway for My Sexy Sensei, and we will get this one rolling soon...

Hugs to all of you who encouraged me not to give up on these books!



  1. Woo Hoo! Congrats Fran. And never give up. You're an awesome writer.


Thanks so much for leaving a helps me know that people really do read my blog posts. If you read back through my prior posts, you will notice that I get very few comments. :)