Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well...I finally did it...

I jumped in and there wasn't even a splash...LOL!

I decided to do it...finally...and see where it goes from here. It isn't my greatest work. I freely admit I've done a great deal better. But this was a test of sorts.  A short story self-pubbed on Amazon Kindle to get the process down pat and to get my toes in the water.  I edited the hell out of it...went over it a hundred times...and still, when it was in Kindle format and on the site, I saw ONE glaring (well, glaring to me anyway) error.  One little word where my auto correct feature changed I've into I.  Dammit!  Oh, they say...Murphy rides in the shotgun seat everywhere I go.

This one is totally self-created...from the cover art to the close.  I have been buying bits and pieces on iStock and RNC for awhile, and just got the bug to DO it and stop talking about it.  I don't feel guilty about it at all, since it was rejected by two editors as "just not right" for my publisher.  That might be because it starts out like a 1980's-style Harlequin before boy meets girl and the whole shebang explodes in an erotic night of whoo-eee sex.

Like I is just a test.  Of course, if anyone wants to go over and grab it off Amazon for $1.49 that would make the "test" complete.  I mean, I don't expect it to end up like 50 Shades of Fran, or anything that grand, but if it sells enough to get me a $10.00 royalty check from Amazon, I will be very happy. Snort!  Then it will complete the test run by sending my first ever Amazon royalty check into my specially set up bank account. So if your expectations are not terribly high, and you would enjoy reading my rendition of a Boon and Mills classic (with a twist or two) trot on over and click the "buy" link.

Oh...and those who have not yet entered my pre-release giveaway for My Sexy Sensei should do so now...the winner will be chosen at midnight day after tomorrow...




  1. Please enter me in your contest. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Laura. Thanks for entering. Did you send the e-mail as shown on the contest page of my website?

  2. Congratulations Fran! This is big.
    XXOO Kat

    1. It's small...but since it's the first try, it's pretty big for me. LOL! Thanks, love...

  3. Yay!!! Just grabbed my copy. Congrats. :)

    1. Aw, thanks! Tell me if you like it. If you don't I'll give you a refund...LOL!

  4. Congrats for taking the plunge:) Heading over there now.

    1. Thanks, Molly! I have to admit it's pretty cheap...but it's the test that counts.

  5. Ooh, congratulations, Fran! Sounds like the water's just fine ;) Heading over to check this out...


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