Friday, June 14, 2013

Whoopie! The big reunion is over and out of my hair...

And here I am, scratching my head...and starting on my wip...again.

Normally I would never show my face without the artifice of Photoshop...but this is about how I feel right now...worn out and trying to get myself back in balance after months of planning and working out the details of a big 50th high school reunion (and that in no way implies that I am that old)!  

I am writing every day for a bit, trying to get back into gear.  Without the stress of the reunion bogging me down, I find it much easier to do.  

My new wip is about another hot NA hero...but this time, he gets a NA heroine.  I hope I can do them both justice.  It's been over a year since I subbed anything to my editor, and she's getting more authors, and is very busy.  I hope I can get this one in to her by the middle of July.  With luck, it may be out before Christmas.

So I won't waste more time blogging when I have writing to do...see ya next month.

Fran Lee 


  1. I'm with you, Fran! I can't wait to read your new book.

  2. Hi, Fran!!
    That's fantastic you're able to spend time on your wip!

  3. Thanks, sweeties! I can always count on you to cheer me on!


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