Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Short But Sweet Book Review 2/25/09

Rock Hard
Faye Adamos

2009 Ellora's Cave Publishing

Imaginative and sexy, with a twist of funky trans-dimensional travel! Ms. Adamos keeps the reader enthralled and intrigued with her catchy plot and the scintillating sensuality here - I couldn't put it down! Well-written with excellent pairing and loads of fun.
~ A definite 8.0 on the Richter Scale~


  1. OMG, my first review! And you liked it! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I loved the cover too, Regina. Syneca Featherstone at EC took the photo and designed the cover. That girl is talented.
    Good luck with Out of Her Dreams, Fran. Do you have a release date yet?
    Thanks again,
    Faye (aka Lara Diamond, who writes stuff that's not erotica)


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